2025 ACE Best & Fairest Awards

Best and Fairest

At the end of each season, the player who has performed the best and given their all for the team will be awarded the Best and Fairest trophy at the annual awards. The winning player is decided on a points system allocated at the end of each game. 

The top three players for each match are awarded either 3 points for first, 2 points for second, and 1 point for third. (All other players that day receive 0 points). The manager is responsible for collecting the voting each week. It is recommended that the parents each take a turn in deciding who is awarded the points, and then reporting these votes to either the Manager or Coach so they can enter this information on the website.

Ideally within a few days of the match taking place before the weekend is over and the memory starts fading!

At the end of each season, the player who has performed the best and given their all for the team will be awarded the Best and Fairest trophy at the annual awards. The winning player is decided on a points system allocated at the end of each game and is at the discretion of the Coach.

Any questions or concerns about the Best and Fairest voting please feed them back to the committee via this email address and we will be happy to help.



Coaches Award

This is awarded at the sole discretion of the Team coach. He/she will use the following guidelines to make a judgement as to who is the most deserving:

•    A player that regularly attends training and weekly games
•    Courteous to fellow team mates and officials
•    Mindful of others players’ needs
•    A player that shows keen interest in advancing their Netball skills
•    A player that shows commitment and genuine interest in the game
•    Shows good sportsmanship by accepting umpires decisions at weekly games and coaches decision in position placements each week

This is to encourage each player that their contribution to their team is not based solely on their match-day performance, but their overall conduct as a member of the team, and their level of commitment each week.

Some coaches prefer to nominate the recipient of the Award at the end of the Season. This is an option if you prefer, but you are encouraged to nominate weekly so the decision can be based over the whole season, not just a “recollection” of recent weeks contributions.

ACE Club Carnival 2025

Club Carnival is coming up and taking us back to the 80's. Inviting all U7 through to Inters team to join us on 15 March from 3-8pm for an afternoon of 80's Neon fun.
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