New Member Q&A

New members Questions and Answers

Who are ACE Netball and how is it run?


ACE Netball club is a non-profit organisation, so all monies collected go towards the overheads of the club and go towards the benefit of the members. Our accounts are fully audited and the affairs of the club are fully available to all members. We are located in the north Brisbane suburb of Albany Creek, Queensland.


What are the fees and where does my money go?


ACE netball charge an amount each year that is designed to cover all fees associated with the player being a member of the club. This includes the cost or registering the player with their association (Pine Rivers Netball Association). It also covers the insurance and public liabilities associated with public events, and also at the end of the season all trophies, event costs and miscellaneous overheads. No monies go towards remuneration in the form of wages but the executive management committee qualify for subsidised annual fees.


Who makes up the committee?


All committee members are unpaid and volunteer their services for the benefit of club members. Normally all have daughters or they themselves play/coach for those who make up the teams for ACE Netball so they have a vested interest in the success of the club.


What is the registration process?


We collect information from the Netball Connect website relevant to to the players registration.  Only information relevant to the Pine Rivers Netball Association (PRNA) requirements is collected and no data is passed to third parties. Your data integrity is maintained at all times. Once we have your application information, we pass this with relevant fees to the PRNA.


What is the schedule once I have registered?


Once we have your details, the player needs to attend grading. From this process she/he will be allocated a team and a division. Fixtures will then be allocated and the coach will co-ordinate training.


What is Grading?


Players join our club with a range of experience and ability including some complete beginners. It is important for the club to match players with other members of the same skill and experience. No-one wants to get beaten 26-0 each week or similarly win 26-0 each week! The challenge is to match all players within their skill set and also attempt to blend the players with complimentary skills to create cohesive teams.


Our coaches are experienced in matching players' abilities, and then all data is centrally collated, we come up with our overall club and team structure. Once we have this, information is submitted to PRNA to create a divisional structure which makes up the fixture list.


What is the format of each team ?


The team is the nucleus of the members life in the club and this is where the players can make real friends and have fun. Each team is appointed a coach, and usually the team parents will volunteer a parent to be the season's manager. Each coach will be appointed based on her/his qualifications to get the best out of the players for that season.


The manager is appointed to take pressure off the coach and help in coordinating areas such as venues/courts, start times for matches, bib washing, best and fairest awards, and a host of other areas.


How do the teams train and what is the format?


Training is coordinated by the coach but this is also based around the players and parents. Training is important in developing the skills and abilities of the girls to play as a team, but at the same time the needs and requirements of the players and families are respected. As such a time/venue and day is set by the players/parents that best suits the team.


What happens if my daughter is "out of her league" ?


This should not happen as grading is designed to match like with like players. If however we find a player is simply not comfortable with her team, we will work with the coaches and players to find a more suitable match for her skills.


What happens if the team is "out of its' league"?


This does happen occasionally, but the good news is that after 5 matches in the associations calendar, the PRNA Grading Committee will evaluate the performance of all teams and then promote/demote teams that have been mismatched. All clubs are part of this process, but as the club only has one vote, there are no guarantees that preferred changes are adopted as the overall competition is the deciding factor.


I have questions that have not been answered ?


The committee have all been new once, so no questions are silly! Please refer to our contact section on the website to find who to talk to for more information. We are all here to help and want to make your membership enjoyable so please contact us if ever you have a query or problem you want help on?

ACE Committee 2022

Netball Connect "How To"

Netball Connect is is platform that we use for your registrations. 

Please click on the link to sign up and answer any questions you might have; 


Click here for a You Tube Link to help you start;



If you have ALREADY downloaded the NetballConnect app

  1. Open the NetballConnect app
  2. Select the three dots on the bottom right-hand side of the screen
  3. Select registration(s)
  4. Select actions
  5. Select register
  6. Select the profile you wish to register
  7. Continue through to the form

If you have NOT downloaded the NetballConnect app, click on either link below to download the app

Download from the App Store

Download from Google Play

  1. Open the NetballConnect app
  2. Select to register to play, coach or umpire
  3. Find your association or club to register to
  4. Continue through to the form 
ACE Club Carnival 2025

Club Carnival is coming up and taking us back to the 80's. Inviting all U7 through to Inters team to join us on 15 March from 3-8pm for an afternoon of 80's Neon fun.
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